Donate to Plymouth Green Party

We don't get donations from big corporates and unions like other parties - we rely on small donations from individuals.

Every pound helps us to get our message across and get more Greens elected.

Please donate today


You can make a monthly direct debit contribution to Plymouth Green Party via GoCardless.

Click on the amount below you would like to donate:




£15 £20

You can cancel anytime. 

Thank you for your support!


Other ways to donate:

If you prefer not to use direct debit you can make a regular or one-off donation via Standing Order through your personal banking app using the details below:

Plymouth Green Party

Sort Code: 08-92-99

Account No.: 65081530

(The Co-Operative Bank Plc)



The majority of your membership fees go to the national Green Party to help us campaign across the country.

This is great, but it does mean we need to raise funds as a local party as well to fund our election campaigns here in Plymouth.

By making a regular donation here, you'll be directly supporting our work in Plymouth.