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Plymouth Green Party back ceasefire in Gaza

Plymouth Greens unreservedly condemn the horrendous Hamas attacks of 7 October and the taking of hostages and we call for those hostages to be released unconditionally. However, these criminal acts by Hamas cannot justify the disproportionate military actions by the Israel Defence Forces which breach the laws of war. It is estimated that over 700 civilians are being killed every day; one child every ten minutes (according to Save The Children). There is mass civilian suffering and humanitarian aid is not able to get through. This is unacceptable and must end.

The only way to protect civilians is for the fighting to stop. We urge all councillors at Plymouth City Council to join the growing international chorus for a ceasefire. Criticising how Israel has conducted its military campaign does not go far enough. The denial of food, fuel and water to the civilian population clearly amounts to collective punishment. The removal of around one million people from northern Gaza is forcible displacement. 

Once a ceasefire is called, we can move towards an internationally arbitrated once-and-for-all settlement that fully ends the occupation of Palestinian territories (including East Jerusalem), in accordance with the requirements of international law, in particular UN resolutions 242 and 338. 

It is time for our Government and the Leader of the Opposition to do the right thing, for the sake of the innocent men, women and children of Gaza, who are being killed in their thousands.