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Green Party standing candidates in all 19 wards up for election on 4 May 2023

Candidates from all walks of life with a wealth of experience offer residents a chance to vote for fairer, greener communities.

George Wheeler, Green candidate for St Budeaux

Entrepreneurs, a housing expert, teachers and community leaders are among the diverse range of candidates standing in the local elections for Plymouth City Council on May 4th

Councillor Ian Poyser, leader of the Green Group in Plymouth City Council, said: “We’re really proud of the range of experience and knowledge our candidates bring. All are committed to protecting our environment and addressing the climate emergency at a local level as the priority.” 

“Greens fight hard to protect vital services and speak up for residents. Vote Green on May 4th for fresh voices in Council, and a much-needed injection of creativity and energy.”

George Wheeler, the candidate for St Budeaux, has the best chance of being re-elected as Green councillor. However, Green Party candidates are standing in a full slate of 19 wards contested on 4th May 2023. This gives Plymothians the chance to vote for bolder action to address the climate and ecological emergency and for a collaborative style of politics. 

Leesa Alderton, Green Party candidate for Ham ward, said: “Many Plymothians are fed up with both the Conservatives running the council and Labour councillors as they have to toe the party line. Green Councillors are never told how to vote – so they’re always free to speak up for residents, and vote for what’s best for the area they represent.”