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St Budeaux: Kings Tamerton residents furious as construction works start at Pony Field without warning

Local residents in Kings Tamerton were shocked to find a digger working with no warning at the Pony Field on February, 16th.

In June 2022, outline planning permission for 70 homes was granted for land known locally as the Pony Field in Kings Tamerton. Permission was also given for construction of an access road. George opposed the application at the planning committee meeting, the only St Budeaux councillor to do so, butthe application was granted.

Although the land had been designated as suitable for siting 40 houses for a long time, the steep slopes make the site very difficult to develop. The developer was required to make contributions to improving the surrounding area for nature and public access but only a small contribution was agreed, the developer said that this was all that could be afforded, although they had been given a grant of £0.5 million to build the access road and the council had sold them the land for £1.

In August 2022, the Conservative council leader took an executive decision to give a grant of £1/3 million from the planning gain from the incinerator to the development.
The justification was that without the grant, the development would not be viable and would not go ahead.

George tried to get this decision scrutinised, but that had to be done within 7 days of the decision being taken. Call-in requires three signatures. Ian Poyser, the other Green councillor at the time, signed but no others did, including both of the other Labour and Conservative St Budeaux councillors. Without call-in, the decision stood.

Although construction of the access road has planning permission, detailed permission for the remainder of the development still needs to be obtained.
Local people will have a chance to comment on the application when it comes forward.

George says: “If I am elected in May, I will make sure the plans are scrutinised by councillors.”